Empower Through Education: Every Child, Every Chance

What do we offer?

At Global Education Connection, we offer a variety of educational resources to support children in conflict areas. Our primary initiative involves distributing backpacks filled with essential school supplies such as books, notepads, pencils, and pens. Recognizing the importance of creativity in learning, we also provide art supplies including crayons, paints, and coloring tablets, along with a unique coloring book created by our own team. Beyond traditional educational materials, we are excited to extend our reach by offering robotics kits that introduce the basics of technology and engineering. Additionally, we conduct art workshops designed to inspire and engage youth and teens, fostering a love for learning through hands-on activities.

need financial help for education

Colors of Hope

Charity Art Exhibition by Syrian Kids

Join us for a transformative Charity Art Exhibition, featuring heartfelt paintings by Syrian Children who bravely face the trials of civil war and devastating earthquakes. Your support will contribute to building a new library and center, providing them a haven for healing and learning.

Do you want to donate and get your paintings now?

Check out our gallery store

Global Education Connection

Education as the Path to Restoration

At Global Education Connection, we believe in the transformational force of education, especially for children affected by conflict and natural disasters. Our purpose is clear: to equip these children with the educational resources essential for healing, blossoming, and realizing their boundless possibilities. Together, we’re sowing seeds of hope and cultivating a brighter future, even amidst today’s challenges.

supporting teaching and learning

Rebuilding Through Education

Offering essential support to children impacted by conflict and natural disasters, fostering their growth and recovery through the transformative power of learning.

Why are we doing this?

At Global Education Connection, we are dedicated to nurturing the educational growth of children affected by war and conflict. As a non-profit organization, we believe that access to education and art supplies is a crucial stepping stone in empowering young minds to build a brighter future. In conflict areas, the barriers to education are immense, and our mission is to dismantle these obstacles through sustained organizational support. We urgently need financial assistance to continue providing the resources necessary for supporting teaching and learning. Together, we can create a safe, educational haven for children who need it most.

Goals of Global Education Connection

  • Access to Quality Education

    Ensure that children affected by conflict and natural disasters have equitable access to quality education, irrespective of their circumstances. This goal includes providing educational resources, establishing safe learning environments, and fostering a love for learning.

  • Empowering Artistic Expression

    Focus on the power of artistic expression for children who’ve been touched by adversity. Our dedication lies in providing them with art supplies and creative resources, ensuring they have the tools to explore, create, and find solace in the world of art.

  • Advocacy and Awareness

    Advance education during crises, propelling policy change and raising awareness. Through spotlighting challenges faced by affected children, we unite global communities and decision-makers, fostering empathy and shaping a brighter collective future.

Get Involved

You can join us in making a difference. Whether you choose to volunteer, donate, or spread the word about our mission, your support matters. Together, we can provide a glimmer of hope to children who have faced unimaginable challenges and help them realize their potential through the gift of education.

Carter Beck
Albert Lim

Ready to make a difference? Join us in our mission to empower change through education.

Global Education Connection has earned Candid’s Gold Seal of Transparency, recognizing our commitment to transparency and accountability.

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